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गुरु पूर्णिमा का महत्त्व

गुरु पूर्णिमा हिन्दुओं , बोद्धो और जैनियों द्वारा अपने आध्यत्मिक और शैक्षणिक गुरुओं का सम्मान और कृतज्ञता प्रकट करने के लिय मनाया जाने वाला पवित्र त्योंहार है | इस दिन भक्त अपने गुरुओ के प्रति अपना आभार एवं स्नेह प्रकट करतें है , जिन्होंने हमें सही रास्ते पर चलने के लिय ज्ञान और मार्गदर्शन प्रदान… Continue reading गुरु पूर्णिमा का महत्त्व

Celebrating Guru Purnima: Honoring Our Spiritual Guides

Guru Purnima, also known as Vyasa Purnima, is a revered day in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions dedicated to honoring the Guru, or spiritual teacher. This auspicious occasion falls on the full moon day (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June-July) and holds profound significance for seekers of wisdom and spiritual guidance. The… Continue reading Celebrating Guru Purnima: Honoring Our Spiritual Guides

देव शयनी एकादशी का महत्व

देव शयनी एकादशी जिसे हरिशयनी एकादशी या पद्मनाभा एकादशी भी कहते हैं, हिंदू धर्म में एक महत्वपूर्ण व्रत है। यह आषाढ़ शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी को मनाया जाता है। इस दिन भगवान विष्णु योग निद्रा में चले जाते हैं और चार महीनों के बाद कार्तिक शुक्ल एकादशी (प्रबोधिनी एकादशी) को जागते हैं। इस अवधि को… Continue reading देव शयनी एकादशी का महत्व

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Adorning Your Laddu Gopal with Savan-themed Dresses

Adorning Your Laddu Gopal with Savan-themed Dresses: A Symbolic Journey The auspicious month of Savan, also known as Shravan, holds immense significance in Hindu mythology. It is a time of devotion, fasting, and offering prayers to Lord Shiva, seeking his blessings. During this holy period, devotees celebrate by adorning their idols, including Laddu Gopal, with… Continue reading Adorning Your Laddu Gopal with Savan-themed Dresses

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Savan Traditional Laddu Gopal poshaks: Mahashirngar

Traditional Attire for Laddu Gopal: Embrace the Festive Vibes of Savan As the sacred month of Savan approaches, devotees across the country prepare to immerse themselves in the joyous celebrations and express their devotion to Lord Krishna. A significant part of these festivities involves adorning Laddu Gopal, the beloved deity, in beautiful traditional attire. You… Continue reading Savan Traditional Laddu Gopal poshaks: Mahashirngar

Guru Purnima (गुरु पूर्णिमा)

अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन शलाकया। चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः।। Guru Purnima, also known as Vyasa Purnima, is a significant day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to our teachers, mentors, and guides. This sacred occasion holds great importance in various spiritual and educational traditions. It is a time to acknowledge the invaluable role of… Continue reading Guru Purnima (गुरु पूर्णिमा)

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Devshayani Ekadashi

  देव शयनी एकादशी या हरिशयनी एकादशी 29 जून गुरुवार को है। हिंदू तिथि अनुसार यह आषाढ़ मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी तिथि को मनाई जाती है। इस दिन भगवान विष्णु क्षीरसागर में योग निद्रा में चले जाते हैं इसलिए इस तिथि का नाम देव शयनी एकादशी पड़ा है। देवशयनी एकादशी का महत्व व्रत… Continue reading Devshayani Ekadashi

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Displaying the Cosmos to Mother Yashoda: Mahashringar

Displaying the Cosmos to Mother Yashoda About Lord Krishna Lord Krishna is considered one of the most revered deities in Hinduism and is worshiped as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is known for his divine powers, wisdom, and mischievous nature. Lord Krishna is often depicted as a young man playing the flute and… Continue reading Displaying the Cosmos to Mother Yashoda: Mahashringar

karmabai’s khichdi for her dear krishna

story of Karma Bai :- So come friends, today we have brought for you a very exciting story, whose name is Karmabai’s khichdi !!! childhood of karmabai :- So this is the story of Lord Krishna’s beloved devotee Karmabai, Karmabai used to consider Lord Krishna a lot from childhood and when his father Jeevan Ram… Continue reading karmabai’s khichdi for her dear krishna

why lord Krishna put peacock feather on his head???

Shree Radhe Krishna and Peacock:- It was the time of Shree Krishna’s Leela period, at that time a peacock lived in Gokul, he was very clever and clever, but he was a devotee of Shree Krishna,wanted to get the blessings of Shree Krishna, for this, that peacock thought of an idea and that peacock thought… Continue reading why lord Krishna put peacock feather on his head???

16,108 queens of shree krishna

Story of 16,108 queens of Lord Krishna So my brothers and sisters bring us an interesting story for you today, which you will remain. So today we will talk about Shree Krishna’s wives according to the old scriptures, it is said that Shri Krishna had 16, 108 wives but is it true? Yes ! This… Continue reading 16,108 queens of shree krishna


Story of the birth of The Krishna In the month of Bhadon, Vasudev’s wife Devaki gave birth to Shri Krishna in Mathura’s Kargar on the dark night of Ashtami Tithi. During the time of Dwapar Yuga, Bhojwanshi ruled Mathura, a king named Ugrasen Salt. His evil son Kansh removed him from the Raj throne and… Continue reading KRISHNA’S BIRTH

Iskcon Temple

Some amazing facts about  iskcon temple : Our blog today has some very interesting facts about Iskcon temple, we are sure you will be stunned after reading it. for more information, please read the entire post. ISKCON Temple is located in Vrindavan inside Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, which is also known as Shri Krishna Balaram Temple.… Continue reading Iskcon Temple


Importance of peacock feather in Krishna’s life: one day shree Krishna and Radha ji were dancing while the peacock feather fell on the floor krishna ji picked up the feather and placed it on his head. Radha ji asked him the reone day shree Krishna ji and Radha ji were dancing while the peacock feather… Continue reading KRISHNA’S LOVE FOR RADHA

Why lord Krishna is blue?? – Mahashringar

Some Interesting facts about Krishna PUTANA :  “A pretty small kid (Krishna) malicious stealing butter from clay pot. And after these devils, he makes everyone crazy with the tune of his flute, after hearing these things, only one name comes on everyone’s tongue “Shri Krishna” but along with it the question comes that why Shri… Continue reading Why lord Krishna is blue?? – Mahashringar

Dev Uthan ekadashi, Dev diwali, Tulsi Vivah

**तुलसी विवाह **  देव उत्थापन एकादशी*       देव उत्थापन *एकादशी* को *तुलसी -विवाह* एक बहुत ही पारम्परिक एवं पवित्र  रस्म है  , जो शायद ही कोई सनातन घर हो , जो इसे श्रद्धा से न मनाता हो , कोई छोटे रुप में तो कहीं बड़ी धूमधाम से तुलसी मैया का विवाह *शालिग्राम* जी… Continue reading Dev Uthan ekadashi, Dev diwali, Tulsi Vivah

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कार्तिक शुक्ल अष्टमी को गोपाष्टमी मनाई जाती है गायों को हिंदू धर्म और संस्कृति की आत्मा माना जाता है हिंदू संस्कृति में गायों को गौ माता कहते हैं और उनकी पूजा की जाती है। गाय को आध्यात्मिक और दिव्य गुणों का स्वामी माना जाता है गोपाष्टमी के अवसर पर गाय की पूजा करने से व्यक्ति… Continue reading Gopashtami

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Basant Panchami: Enjoy the vibrance of spring festival

Basant Panchami has arrived. During my girlhood days, I was excessively enamored with Basant Panchami and Saraswati Puja, on the grounds that it was a vacation day from studies. For Saraswati Puja, custom has it that one shouldn’t peruse, compose or seek after examinations on this day and on second thought give time towards venerating… Continue reading Basant Panchami: Enjoy the vibrance of spring festival

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Mauni Amavasya

Mauni Amavasya is one of the most favorable Amavasya for Hindus. It is praised with extraordinary excitement the country over. As indicated by the North Indian schedule, Mauni Amavasya generally falls in Magha month, otherwise called Maghi Amavasya. This year, Mauni Amavasya is being seen on February 1, 2022, according to the Hindu schedule. Fans,… Continue reading Mauni Amavasya

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Lord Krishna childhood stories for kids

Narrating assists guardians with holding with their children and bestow values in a fun and intriguing manner. Your children will surely adore these stories from Lord Krishna’s adolescence! 1. The Divine Prophecy Ages back, there lived a king named Ugrasena. Ages back, there carried on with a ruler named Ugrasena. He had two kids –… Continue reading Lord Krishna childhood stories for kids

The story behind the footprinton Laddu Gopal’s chest

Do you have any idea who has the impressions on the chest of Lord Krishna’s divinity Laddu Gopal, and why this impression is recorded on his chest. This sign is set apart in the kid type of Lord Krishna, as Laddu Gopal and as a couple. Once upon a time, a dispute broke out among… Continue reading The story behind the footprinton Laddu Gopal’s chest

Bhagavad Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is seen on the eleventh day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing period of moon) of Margashirsha month according to customary Hindu schedule. Gita Jayanti 2021 date is December 14. It is accepted that the Bhagavad Gita was delivered by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on this day. Gita Jayanti falls on the Shukla Paksha… Continue reading Bhagavad Gita Jayanti

Krishna Kanhaiya is called Laddu Gopal, how did this name come about, this story is behind it

A long time ago in Braj Bhoomi, an extraordinary enthusiast of Shri Krishna lived.. Kumbhandas ji. He had a child Raghunandan. Kumbhandas ji had a god of Shri Krishna ji playing the flute, he used to be fascinated in commitment to the Lord constantly and served Shri Krishna with full principles. They didn’t leave them… Continue reading Krishna Kanhaiya is called Laddu Gopal, how did this name come about, this story is behind it

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समर्पण +भाव =प्रसन्नता

प्रसन्नता एक ऐसा विषय है जिसका होना या न होना पूर्णतया आप पर निर्भर करता है। लेकिन हम मनुष्य कभी भी इस बात पर विश्वास नहीं करते, हम हमेशा ही अपने अप्रसन्न मन और व्यवहार के लिए दूसरों को दोषी मानते हैं। आपकी प्रसन्नता आपकी स्वयं की उपज है और उसका जीवन में अनुपस्थित होना… Continue reading समर्पण +भाव =प्रसन्नता

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भक्ति या भाव- २

हम अपनी धुन में चले जा रहे हैं अचानक से सामने आ रही तेज रफ्तार गाड़ी आप के बगल से निकल जाती हैं आप संभल पाएं उससे पहले ही आपके मुंह से निकलता है, हे भगवान बच गए। भगवान, ईश्वर हमेशा हमारे अंदर रचा बसा एक ऐसा भाव है जो वातावरण में हवा की तरह… Continue reading भक्ति या भाव- २

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भक्ति या भाव

अक्सर ऐसे लोगों से मिलते हैं जो सिर्फ इसलिए घर में भगवान की मूर्ति या फोटो नहीं रखना चाहते क्योंकि उन्हें लगता है कि वे प्रतिदिन उसकी पूजा पाठ नहीं कर पाएंगे। इस विषय पर सोचने से पहले मैं आपको एक कहानी (जो सच्ची है) सुनाना चाहती हूं। उनके घर में 12-13 वर्षों से लड्डू… Continue reading भक्ति या भाव

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The significance of Chhath Puja

Chhath puja is an exceptional Indian celebration devoted to the sun-oriented divinities Surya and Shashthi Devi. It is commended to express gratitude toward them for supporting life on the planet. Accepted to be the lord of light-Surya and Shashthi Devi are adored on this day for advancing life, prosperity, and thriving of individuals. Commended seven… Continue reading The significance of Chhath Puja

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Utthana Ekadashi – Dev Prabodhini – Importance of Dev Uthani Gyaras – Hari Prabodhini Ekadashi

Utthana Ekadasi or Prabodhini Ekadashi, (also known as Dev Uthani Ekadasi and Hari Prabodhini) is enshrined during the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Kartik (October – November). In 2021, the date of Utthana Ekadasi or Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi is November 15. The significance of Dev Prabodhini Ekadasi narrated to Sage Narada… Continue reading Utthana Ekadashi – Dev Prabodhini – Importance of Dev Uthani Gyaras – Hari Prabodhini Ekadashi

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